BIOAMICUS OMEGA-3™, our Liquid Omega-3 fish oil product. Containing 200mg DHA+ 40mg EPA per 1 mL. DHA has been clinically proven to assist neural & vision development in infants and children.

Naturally Flavored with Orange Oil & Monk fruit extract.
BIOAMICUS Omega-3 uses fish oil from , a company based in Norway which has been refining fish oils for over 185 years since 1838. We only use high quality TRIGLYCERIDE FORM Omega 3, superior for its stability, absorption and bioavailability in the body (compared to Ethyl ester forms of Omega 3s). Our source is sustainably sourced from Anchioves, Sardines, and Mackerel. Tested by EPAX, BIOAMICUS, and 3rd Parties for safety from dioxins, PCB toxins, heavy metals, and contaminants. – Epax® is a registered trademark of PELAGIA AS.